Improvement Actions
This is a simple list of improvement actions identified during the energy diagnosis.
Along with the client, priority actions are identified and suppliers are engaged for feasibility studies. Funding methods for the chosen action are then defined in collaboration with the client, leading to the initiation of the chosen project.
Below is a list of some of the main improvement actions:
Electrical Part
- Transformer Replacement
- Transformer Disconnect
- MT/BT Substation Upgrade (CTS-CTSM)
- Merging Multiple MT/BT Substations
- Power Factor Correction
- Introduction of High-Efficiency Motors
- Insulating Press Heating Plates
- Introduction of Inverters
- Compressor Room Optimization
- Inverter on Compressor
- Compressed Air Leak Detection
- Recovery of Compressed Air from Pneumatic Cylinders
- Compressed Air Nozzles
- Forklift Battery Charging Optimization
- Voltage Stabilizers
- Power Quality
- Harmonic Filters
- Thermal Power Plant Pumps
- Photovoltaic System
- Photovoltaic – Battery Storage
- Lighting
- Light Control Systems (Indoor/Outdoor)
- Regenerative Elevator
- Press Cylinder Insulation
- Induction Heating
- Hydraulic Pumps – Pump Audit
- Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
- Wind Power
Thermal Part
- Heat Recovery from Compressor Room
- Boiler/Burner Replacement
- Boiler Economizer Introduction
- Condensate Drainage Optimization
- Cogeneration
- Temperature Probes
- Blowdown Heat Recovery (GdV wastewater)
- Cooling/Climate Control System Replacement
- Trigeneration
- Food Refrigeration (supermarkets only)
- Heat Recovery from Production Processes (e.g., ORC)
- Air Barriers
- Solar Thermal
Management Part
- Photovoltaic – Maintenance and Cleaning
- Photovoltaic – Property Tax (IMU)
- SEU Practice
- Photovoltaic – Production Aligned with Initial BP
- Tax Relief on EE-GAS Supplies
- Switching from Civil to Industrial GAS Supply Tax
- Energy-Intensive Company
- Gas-Intensive Company
- Exceeding Available Power
- EE-GAS Supply Contract Optimization
- Fiscal Unification of Multiple PODs
- Increase in Available MT Power
- Monitoring
- Nitrogen Self-Production
- TLR (Rates and Flow)
- Dispatching (Applied Rates)
- Aqueduct Water (Sewerage and Purification Service)
Structural Part
- Insulation of the Building Envelope
- Window Replacement
- Window Films/COOL ROOF
Find out more about the 5 phases for implementing a proper energy management process: